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44U 14 day SAMPLE menus

In these 2 weeks I have highlighted your 4 4 U foods in different colours.

Remember you can eat ALL vegetables, salads & raw fruits freely as well as the listed items on the menus.

Protein, Fibre, Calcium & Healthy Fats

So it is easy to see how they would fit into your day.

Where I have used any Little Extra's, I have marked them - I have used very little - if you can keep to these during the first  2 weeks you will have a brilliant start to your weight loss.

You will also see that a couple of fibre choices have been split.

If you do not see a healthy fat they have been incorporated into a recipe.

Recipes are underlined and can be found at the bottom of this page.

If you chose to follow this exactly days can be moved but I wouldn't recommend moving individual meals without checking you have the correct 4 4 U spread over your day.

YOU MAY SPLIT YOUR 44U over meals,  e.g. 1 portion of bread is 2 slices, have 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch


This is a SAMPLE to give you the idea of what you can eat in a day - If you don't like it don't eat it -


your plan has to fit you not you fit into a plan!

44U's - can not be carried over 

Click arrow to go to recipes

This weeks menu plan has used 6 Little extras -

leaving you 18 If you choose to use them for a "Your Day"

This weeks menu plan has used 5 Little extras -

leaving you 19 If you choose to use them for a "Your Day"


Recipes week 1

Click pictures to download recipes
Please dont be tempted to cut down on the amount of oils in these recipes
they are counted as you 4 4 u Healthy fats

Marinated chicken breast

Spicy salmon with yoghurt

Butterbean stew

Spicy tomato & lentil soup

Recipes week 2

Click pictures to download recipes

Basil & tomato stuffed chicken

Garlic & mushroom spaghettti

Vegetable fajitas

Quick beef curry

Easy chicken pittas

Chicken & butterbean bake

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